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Understanding and integrating a gendered approach to climate information services in Senegal

A gendered approach to climate information services in Senegal

A project led by Sarah McKune

Gender and climate information services

As part of a broader project to integrate gender into research and programs that address the impact of climate change on food security around the world, from 2012-2016, Drs. Sarah McKune and Sandra Russo worked with Dr. Jim Hansen at Columbia University and his Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) team to investigate how gender impacts the efficacy of climate information services in mitigating the adverse risk associated with climate change. With work in four countries (India, Nepal, Kenya, and Senegal) the UF team worked in Senegal from 2012-2015 in collaboration with Dr. Arame Tall to investigate how consideration of gender within climate information services may change what information is delivered, to whom, and by what mechanism.

In 2014, the research team at UF worked with two communities in Kaffrine, Senegal and two communities in Kenya to better understand if and how climate information services affected the use of climate smart agricultural practices and, consequently, what the affect, if any, was on food security. This research was conducted alongside a participatory qualitative research methodology to identify, explain, and gauge women’s empowerment within each community. The aim was to understand how empowerment, as locally constructed, may affect food security, via its impact on receipt of climate information services. The team worked closely with a broader UF team, engaged in integrating Gender into CCAFS projects around the world.

The team works closely with a broader UF team, engaged in integrating Gender into CCAFS projects around the world.


McKune, S. L., Borresen, E. C., Young, A. G., Ryley, T. D. A., Russo, S. L., Camara, A. D., … & Ryan, E. P. (2015). Climate change through a gendered lens: Examining livestock holder food security. Global Food Security6, 1-8.

Ryley, T. D. and McKune, S. 2014. “Climate change and social networks in Senegal’s peanut basin.” Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security. CGIAR.

Devereux, T. and McKune, S. Aug 1, 2014. “Gender, power and climate information in Nyando, Kenya.” Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security. CGIAR.

McKune, S. and Silva, J. 2013. Pastoralists under pressure: Double exposure to economic and environmental change in Niger. The Journal of Development Studies.

McKune, S. and McOmber, C. 2013. “Is gender being considered within climate services?” Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security. CGIAR.

Ryley, T. D. and McKune, S. 2014. “Climate Change and Empowerment in Senegal’s Peanut Basin.” Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security. CGIAR.

Devereux, T. and McKune, S. Aug 1, 2014. “Climate Change Adaptation across Tribe and Gender in Nyando, Kenya.” Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security. CGIAR.

McKune, S. and McOmber, C. 2013. “Is gender being considered within climate services?” Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security. CGIAR.

McOmber, C., Panikowski, A., McKune, S., Bartels, W., Russo, S. 2013. Investigating Climate Information Services through a Gendered Lens. CCAFS Working Paper 42.