Below you will find a selection of books, journal articles and other publications published by the Sahel Research Group.
Articles and book chapters
Other publications
Articles and book chapters
2025 |2024 |2023 |2022 |2021 |2020 |2019 |2018 |2007-2016
- Adou, B. 2024. Mauritania. Africa Yearbook. Brill. Volume 20: 144-151 (opens in new tab)
- Acosta, D. et al. 2024. Climate change and health in the Sahel: a systematic review. Royal Society Open Science 11(7) (opens in new tab).
- Elischer, S. 2024. Weapons of the Weak: How African States Counteract Homegrown Jihadi Salafism. Journal of Global Security Studies 9(3) (opens in new tab).
- Elischer S, Hoyle J. 2024. Electoral contests in the aftermath of military coups: how domestic constraints motivate praetorian conduct. Contemporary Politics 30(1): 44-64 (opens in new tab). (opens in new tab)
- Walther O, Nugent P, Goewey S. 2024. The impact of transport policies on road accessibility in Ghana (2010-2019). African Geographical Review (read (opens in new tab)).
- Prieto Curiel R, Walther O, Davies E. 2023. Detecting trends and shocks in terrorist activities. PLoS ONE 18(9).
- Radil S, Walther O, Dorward N, Pflaum M. 2023. Urban-rural geographies of political violence in North and West Africa. Africa Security 16(2-3): 199-222.
- Adou B. 2023. Mauritania. In Alidu SM et al. (eds) Africa Yearbook. Leiden: Brill, 136-143 (opens in new tab).
- Villalón L. 2023. The Politics of Democratization and the State of the State in the Sahel. In Harbeson J. (ed.) Africa in World Politics: Sustaining Reform in a Turbulent World Order. New York: Routledge (chapter 10 (opens in new tab)).
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D, Trémolières M. 2023. Introducing the Spatial Conflict Dynamics indicator of political violence. Terrorism and Political Violence 35(3): 533-552 (opens in new tab).
- Villalón L. 2022. The political roots of fragility in the G5 Sahel countries: State institutions and the politics of democracy and security. In Carbone G, Casola C (eds) 10 years of Instability in the Sahel. Regional Dynamics and External Interventions. Milan: ISPI (opens in new tab).
- Villalón L, Branco da Silva I. 2022. Reflections on research ethics in complex contexts: Navigating politics, pragmatics, and positionality. In Freire F (ed.) State, Society and Islam in the Western Regions of the Sahara. London: I. B. Tauris (opens in new tab).
- Mc Laughlin F. 2022. Senegal: Urban Wolof then and now. In Kerswill P, Wiese H. (eds) Urban Contact Dialects and Language Change: Insights from the Global North and South. New York, Routledge (opens in new tab).
- McOmber C, McNamara K, McKune S. 2022. Community concept drawing: A participatory visual method for incorporating local knowledge into conceptualization. Field Methods 34(2): 163–180 (opens in new tab).
- Serra R, Ludgate N, Fiorillo Dowhaniuk K, McKune SL, Russo S. 2022. Beyond the gender of the livestock holder: Learnings from intersectional analyses of PPR vaccine value chains in Nepal, Senegal, and Uganda. Animals 12(3): 241 (opens in new tab).
- Elischer S, Lawrance BN. 2022. Reassessing Africa’s new post-coup landscape. African Studies Review, 65(1): 7 (opens in new tab).
- Radil S, Irmisher I, Walther O. 2022. Contextualizing the relationship between borderlands and political violence: A dynamic space-time analysis in West and North Africa. Journal of Borderlands Studies 37(2): 253-271 (opens in new tab).
- Walther O. 2022. Trade and security in African borderlands – An introduction. Journal of Borderlands Studies 37(2): 229-234 (opens in new tab).
- Walther O, Radil S, Russell D. 2021. Mapping the changing structure of conflict in North and West Africa. African Security 14(3): 211-238 (opens in new tab).
- Skillicorn D, Walther O, Leuprecht C. Zheng Q. 2021. The diffusion and permeability of political violence in North and West Africa. Terrorism and Political Violence 33(5): 1032-1054 (opens in new tab).
- Sow A. 2021. Military parade in Mali: Understanding Malian politics through spectacle. The Journal of Modern African Studies 58(2): 219-235 (opens in new tab).
- Madore F. 2021. ‘Good Muslim, bad Muslim’ in Togo: religious minority identity construction amid a sociopolitical crisis (2017–2018). The Journal of Modern African Studies 59(2): 197-217 (opens in new tab).
- McKune S, Serra R, Touré A. 2021. Gender and intersectional analysis of livestock vaccine value chains in Kaffrine, Senegal. PLoS ONE 16(7): e0252045.
- McOmber C, McNamara, K, Ryley T, McKune S. 2021. Investigating the Conceptual Plurality of Empowerment in Food Security Research. Sustainability 13(6): 3166 (opens in new tab).
- Stark H, Omer A, Wereme N’Diaye A, Sapp AC, Moore EV, McKune SL. 2021. The Un Oeuf study: Design, methods and baseline data from a cluster randomised controlled trial to increase child egg consumption in Burkina Faso. Maternal & Child Nutrition 17(1), e13069 (opens in new tab).
- McKune, S., Lane, J., Austin-Datta, R., Ouma, E., Flax, V., Williams, R., Moore, E., Jacobs, M., and Turk, J. (2020). Increasing animal source food consumption: Recommendations for making livestock research and programming more nutrition sensitive. Global Food Security 26, 100430.
- McKune S. Stark H, Sapp A, Yang Y, Slanzi C, Moore C, Omer A, Wereme N’Diaye, A. 2020. Behavior change, egg consumption, and child nutrition: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 146 (6): e2020007930.
- Bencherif A, Vlavonou G. 2020. Reflexive tension: An auto-ethnographic journey through international relations discipline in Western academic training. African Identities: 1-20.
- Bencherif A. et al. 2020. Lethal violence in civil war: Trends and micro-dynamics of violence in the Northern Mali conflict (2012-2015). Studies in Conflict & Terrorism: 1-23.
- Madore F. 2020. Francophone Muslim intellectuals, Islamic associational life and religious authority in Burkina Faso. Africa 90(3): 625–646 (opens in new tab).
- Madore F. 2020. Imams, Islamic preachers, and public space in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) since the 1990s: Toward new intergenerational relationships and a Muslim public sphere. In Acquah LJ, Falola T. (eds) Perspectives on the Religious Landscape in Africa. Durham: Carolina Academic Press: 183–213 (opens in new tab).
- Prieto Curiel R, Walther O, O’Clery C. 2020. Uncovering the internal structure of Boko Haram through its mobility patterns. Applied Network Science 5(28): 1-23 (opens in new tab).
- Valerio V, Walther O, Eilittä M, Cissé B, Muneepeerakul R, Kiker G. 2020. Network analysis of regional livestock trade in West Africa. PLOS ONE 15(5): 1-15 (opens in new tab).
- Bencherif A. 2020. From resilience to fragmentation: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Jihadist group modularity. Terrorism and Political Violence 32(1): 100-118.
- Walther O, Leuprecht C, Skillicorn D. 2020. Political fragmentation and alliances among armed non-state actors in North and Western Africa (1997-2014). Terrorism and Political Violence 32(1): 167-186.
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