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Below you will find a list of Sahel Research Group publications and other resources available online, which may be useful to you in following socio-political dynamics in the countries of the Sahel. They include a number of blogs and other sites that regularly post commentary or discussion on the Sahel, as well as a list of reports and documents that address issues in the region. We attempt to update this list regularly. Please contact us with any suggestions.

Weekly News Brief
Websites and Blogs
Media Resources
Reports and Documents from Other Sources

Weekly News Brief

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Websites and Blogs

The OECD Sahel and West Africa Club is an international organization that promotes regional policies in the Sahel and West Africa.

Bridges from Bamako is a blog run by anthropologist Bruce Whitehouse at Lehigh University who has done extensive research on Mali.

This Week in Africa is a weekly bulletin run by Jeffrey Paller and Philip Dube. aims to inform on what is happening in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, particularly in areas that are not covered by national and international media.

The African Center for Strategic Studies is intended to promote the exchange of ideas and information tailored specifically for African concerns

The Sahel Programme of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations focuses on the political economy of instability in the Sahel.

Human Rights Watch provides news, videos, and reports on events in ChadMali and Senegal.

Islam, Société, Diversité, Universalité is a blog maintained by Dr. Bakary Sambe of the Université Gaston Berger in Saint-Louis.

Sahel Blog analyzes news concerning religion and politics in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. It is run by Alex Thurston.

The Global Observatory is published by the International Peace Institute and includes pages on the Sahel and on Mali.

The OASIS Initiative is supporting programs and policies that study demographic and climate change in the region.

Maghreb and Sahel: Sea, Sand and Guns is a blog run by Rida Lyammouri. For a chronology of violent events by the same author, see Sahel Memo.

The Sahel crisis is a website published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Nomade Sahel is an international research project focused on contemporary situation of the pastoralist societies of the Sahel.

Media Resources

Burkina Faso






Regional Sites

Reports and Documents from Other Sources

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |2018201720162015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008


Le tournant souverainiste au Mali: ajuster la trajectoire. International Crisis Group

Tchad: limiter l’impact de la guerre au Soudan dans le Ouaddaï. International Crisis Group

De quoi le rejet de la France en Afrique est-il le nom? Tournons la page.

Mali. Untangling the Politico-Security KnotDizolele Mvemba Phezo  and Hudson Cameron. CSIS

Thwarting nascent insurgencies in coastal West Africa. Anouar Boukhars,  OECD West African Papers

Tchad: rompre le cycle des violences agropastorales. International Crisis Group

Women’s Lives under Islamic State in Niger’s Tillabery. International Crisis Group

Evaluation préliminaire des impacts économiques potentiels de la sortie du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Niger de la CEDEAO. World Bank Group

Tchad: rompre le cycle des violences agropastorales. International Crisis Group

De l’alliance des Etats du Sahel à la Confédération des Etats du Sahel: le chemin est carrossable mais semé d’embûches. Bassou Abdelhak. Policy Center for the New South

“Sovereignty” means never having to say you’re sorry: The Sahel’s new geopolitics. Lebovich Andrew. Clingendael

Libya, Tunisia, and Niger as case studies for counter-productive anti-migration policies. Soto-Mayor Guillaume. Middle East Institute.

A rethink of the EU’s strategy in the Sahel: from problematic policy-making to a new ‘transformative pragmatism’. Mateos Mart Oscar et al.

Fighting for a future: political unrest and migration in Senegal. Golovko Ekaterina. Clingendael

Identifying Local Conflict Trends in North and West Africa.  Radil Steven and Walther Olivier. SWAC/OECD

Coups d’Etat en Afrique: portraits d’une démocratie défaillante. Charbonneau Bruno et al. UQAM

La Transhumance transfrontalière a l’épreuve de l’insécurité. Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger et Togo. SIPRI

The Tech that Helps these Herders Navigate Drought, War and Extremists. Armstrong Hannah Rae. MIT Technology Review

Senior Study Group for the Sahel. United States Institute of Peace


Operationalizing conflict sensitivity in complex contexts: Lessons from Liptako-Gourma. (French version) Ndiaye Sokhna. Danish Refugee Council

Burkina Faso: armer les civils au prix de la cohésion sociale? International Crisis Group

La Force conjointe du G5 Sahel a-t-elle un avenir? Dieng Moda et al. UQAM

Mali: Islamist Armed Groups, Army Target Civilians. Allegrozzi Ilaria. Human Rights Watch

Migration Trends with Artisanal Gold Mining in Northern Niger. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Opérationnalisation de la sensibilité aux conflits en contexte complexe: Leçon du Liptako-Gourma. Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés

Generation Warfare in the Sahel: The Khilafa Cubs and the Dynamics of Violent Insurgency within the Islamic State Province. Soto-Mayor Guillaume and Ba Boubacar. CRTG

Voices of Resilience. A Gender Needs Analysis on Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel. Voices of Resilience. A Gender Needs Analysis on Preventing Violent Extremism in the Sahel. French Version. UNICRI

Listen to Us! Local Perceptions of Populations in Central Mali.  Baudais Virginie et al. SIPRI

La transhumance transfrontalière à l’épreuve de l’insécurité: Bénin, Burkina Faso, Niger et Togo. SIPRI

Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects of Border Control in Niger. Border Forensics

Self-defense Militia Groups in Niger: Risking a Time Bomb. Policy Brief. Goxho Delina. Megatrends Afrika

France’s Africa Policy under President Macron. Tull Denis. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik

Prioritization and Sequencing of Security Council Mandates: The Case of MINUSMA. International Peace Institute

Sahel Social Cohesion Research in Burkina Faso and Niger: Working Paper. Pul Hippolyt et al. IFPRI

The Risk of Violent Intercommunal Spillover in West Africa. Soto-Mayor Guillaume and Sawadogo Mahamadou

Exploratory research report on the information environment in a political and security crisis context in the Sahel Region. Bencerif Adib and Carignan Marie-Eve. NATO StratCom COE

Rapport sur les événements de Moura du 27 au 31 mars 2022. UN OHCHR

Interactions between civilians and jihadists in Mali and Niger. Bouhlel Yvan and Guichaoua Ferdaous, University of Kent

Locked Horns. Cattle rustling and Mali’s war economy. Berger Flore. Global Initiative Against transnational Organized Crime

Les enfants en paient le prix: L’impact de la crise alimentaire sur l’éducation et la protection des enfants au Burkina Faso et au Niger. GERM, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis

Mali: Avoiding the Trap of Isolation (French version). International Crisis Group

Chad’s Constitutional Referendum Promises a Transition without Change – or Stability, Eizenga Daniel and Nodjimbadem Katie. Africa Center for Strategic Studies

Nord du Mali: une confrontation dont personne ne sortira vainqueur (English Version), Maïga Ibrahim and Yahaya Ibrahim Ibrahim. International crisis Group

Exploratory research report on the information environment in a political and security crisis context in the Sahel Region, Bencherif Adib and Carignan Marie-Eve. NATO strategic communications centre of excellence


Normes Sociales et Education des Filles: Une étude réalisée dans huit pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Diamond Gloria. GCI

Responding to Chad’s displacement Crisis in the Lac Province and the Implementation of the Kampala Convention. Lamarche Alexandra. Refugees International

Voix des enfants pour la Paix au Sahel: initier des enfants et jeunes à la recherche. GERM, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis

The Climate Change and Conflict Nexus in West Africa: A New Approach for Operationally Relevant Vulnerability Assessments. The World Bank

Niger: Routes Shift Amid Post-covid Increase in Human Smuggling, Fereday Alice. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

The European Union Training Mission in Mali:An Assessment. Baudais Virginie, Maïga Souleymane. SIPRI

Sahel: Moving beyond military containment. Policy report 2022. Englebert Pierre and Lyammouri Rida. Atlantic Council’s Africa Center

Whose Crime is it Anyway? Organized crime and international stabilization efforts in Mali. Tinti Peter, Global Initiative Against organized Crime


The Costs of United States’ Post-9/11 “Security Assistance”: How Counterterrorism Intensified Conflict in Burkina Faso and Around the World. Savell Stephanie, Watson Institute Brown University

Jihadist networks in sub-Saharan Africa. Stanicek Branislav and Betant-Rasmussen Mathilde, European Parliamentary Research Service

Mali: Enabling Dialogue with the Jihadist Coalition JNIM, Africa Report 306. International Crisis Group, (version française).

Les groupes djihadistes au Sahel. Une communication globale à l’épreuve des réalités locales. Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine. IRSEM

Analyse du Sahel central sur le niveau de risque pour les enfants recrutés par des groupes armés. Groupe d’études et de recherche sur les migrations.

Chad’s ‘Political Transition’ Is a Smokescreen for Military Rule. Eizenga Daniel. World Politics Review

‘Of Cattle and Conflict’ – Rethinking responses to pastoralism-related conflicts. Clingendael

The Costs of United States’ Post 9/11 “Security Assistance”: How Counterterrorism Intensified Conflict in Burkina faso and Around the World. Savell Stephanie. Watson Institute, Brown University

Mistrust and Imbalance: The Collapse of Intercommunal Relations and the Rise of Armed Community Mobilization on the Niger-Mali Border. Idrissa Rahmane and McGann Bethany, Resolve Network

Sahel: Ce qui doit changer. Pour une nouvelle approche centrée sur les besoins des populations. Coalition citoyenne pour le Sahel.

Non-Military Actors as a Regional Strategy in the Lake Chad Region. Ayandele Olajumoke J., ACLED and New York University Center for Global Affairs

Tillabéri Region, Niger: Concerning Cycle of Atrocities. Lyammouri Rida, Policy Center for the New South

Rethinking the Response to Jihadist Groups Across the Sahel. Pérouse de Montclos Marc-Antoine, Chatham House

Between hope and despair – Pastoralist adaptation in Burkina Faso.  Clingendael (version française)

Tchad – Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populationsing. Flow Monitoring Point

A Course Correction for the Sahel Stabilisation Strategy. International Crisis Group, (version française)

Quand les djihadistes négocient la paix. Ba Boubacar, Cold-Ravnkilde Signe Marie, DIIS

Conflict Mediation and Peacebuilding in the Sahel . Baudais Virginie, Bourhrous Amal, O’Driscoll Dylan, SIPRI

Operation Barkhane and the Future of Intervention in the Sahel . Tull Denis M. SWP.


The Islamic State Franchises in Africa: lessons from Lake Chad. International Crisis Group

Enrayer la communautarisation de la violence au centre du Mali. International Crisis Group

The Islamic State and al-Qa’ida Go to War in West Africa. Nsaibia Héni and Weiss Caleb, CTC Sentinel

Sahel – a new battlefield between IS and Al-Qaeda? Berger Flore. The Africa Report

ISIS in Africa: The End of the “Sahel Exception”, Center for Global Policy

Rethinking Crisis responses in the Sahel. Devermont Judd, Harris Marielle, CSIS.

Les defis de l’armée tchadienne. International Crisis Group

The Puzzle of JNIM and Militant Islamist Groups in the Sahel. Eizenga Daniel, Williams Wendy, Africa Security Brief

(Ne pas) dialoguer avec les groupes « jihadistes » au Mali ? Ferdaous Bouhlel, Berghof Foundation

The Crisis in Mali and in the Sahel Region, special issue. Codesria

Rapport de l’Observateur Indépendant : Mise en œuvre de l’Accord pour la Paix et la Réconciliation au Mali. The Carter Center

Rapport de l’Observateur Indépendant, Annexe 2. The Carter Center

Algeria’s Migration Dilemma: Migration and Human Smuggling in Southern Algeria. Global Initiative Against Transnational Violence.

The Puzzle of JNIM and Militant Islamist Groups in the Sahel. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Observation des Elections Legislatives 2020- Final Report. COCEM.

Reversing Central Mali’s Descent into Communal Violence (version française). International Crisis Group.

Drug Trafficking in Northern Mali: A Tenuous Criminal Equilibrium. Peter Tinti, ENACT.

Terrorism in the Sahel: Facts and Figures. NATO, Southern Hub.

Disorder from Chaos: Why Europeans Fail to Promote Stability in the Sahel? Andrew Lebovich, ECFR.

Sanctions ciblées et maintien de la paix : quelle contribution à l’exécution du mandat de la MINUSMA? Observatoire Boutros-Ghali du maintien de la paix.

Investigating Cross-Border Weapon Transfer in the Sahel. Conflict Armament Research.

«Ils ont exécuté certains et emmené d’autres avec eux».  Péril pour les populations civiles dans le Sahel. Amnesty International.

Sacred Struggles: How Islam Shapes Politics in Mali. European Council on Foreign Relations.

Prioritization and Sequencing of Peacekeeping Mandates: The Case of MINUSMA. The STIMSON Center.

Understanding Fulani Perspectives on the Sahel Crisis. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

The Origins of Boko- And Why it Matters. Hudson Institute.

Governance and Security in the Sahel: Tackling Mobility, Demography and Climate Change. Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

(Ne pas) dialoguer avec les groupes “jihadistes” au Mali? Berghof Foundation.

Salafi Jihadi Armed Groups and Conflict (De-) Escalation: The Case of Ansar Dine in Mali. Berghof Foundation.

Le Sahel central, théâtres des nouvelles guerres climatiques? International Crisis Group.

The Central Sahel: Scene of New Climate Wars? International Crisis Group. (version française)

The Origins of Boko Haram- And Why It Matters. Hudson Institute.

Navigating Borderlands in the Sahel: Border security, governance and mixed migration in Liptako-Gourma. Mixed Migration Centre.

Les racines économique et sociales de la guerre au Sahel. Will Agri.

Radicalisation, violence et (in)sécurité au Sahel. OpenEdition.

Radicalization, Violence and (in)security in the Sahel. OpenEdition.

The Challenges of Governance, Development and Security in the Central Regions of Mali. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Social Media in Mali and its Relation to Violent Extremism: A Youth Perspective. International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.

Burkina Faso: Stopping the Spiral of Violence. International Crisis Group.

Burkina Faso: sortir de la spirale des violences. International Crisis Group.

Observations sur la mise en œuvre de l’Accord pour la paix et la réconciliation au Mali, issu du processus d’Alger. The Carter Center.

La Violence Politique au Sahel : une Hydre de l’Insécurité en Construction. Adib Bencherif. Diplomatie.


State of Climate in Africa 2019, World Meteorological Organization

Violent extremism, organised crime and local conflicts in Liptako-Gourma, Assanvo William et al, Institute for Security Studies

Eviter la reprise des violences communautaires à l’Est du Tchad , Rapport Afrique 284, International Crisis Group

Responding to the Rise in Violent Extremism in the Sahel, Le Roux Pauline, Africa Security Brief

Avert catastrophe now in Africa’s Sahel, Graves Alisha et al, Nature

How jihadists struck gold in Africa’s Sahel, Lewis David and Mcneill Ryan, Reuters Special Reports

Prospects for the G5 Sahel countries to 2040, ISS

Étude nationale sur le coût financier des campagnes électorales et des mandats électifs au Mali. Groupe Odyssée.

Hand in Hand’: A Study of Insecurity and Gender in Mali. Stockholm International Peace and Research Institute.

Pursuing Elusive Stability in the Sahel. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

The Impact of Armed Groups on the Populations of Central and Northern Mali. Stockholm International Research Institute.

Impacts des groupes armés sur les populations au nord et au centre du Mali. Aurélien Tobie, Boukary Sangaré. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Les violences armées au Sahara: Du djihadisme aux insurrections? Mathieu Pellerin.  Ifri.

Qualification juridique de la situation au Mali et droit international applicable. Diakonia.

Managing Trafficking in Northern Niger. International Crisis Group. (version française)

After the Storm: Organized Crime Across the Sahel-Sahara Following Upheaval in Libya and Mali. Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime.

Responding to Violent Extremism in the Sahel. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Getting a Grip on Central Sahel’s Gold Rush. International Crisis Group (Version Française).

The Status Quo Defied: The legitimacy of traditional authorities in areas of limited statehood in Mali, Niger and Libya. Rahmane Idrissa et al., Clingendael Institute.

Burkina Faso : un terreau pour la propagation du conflit malien? Nicolas Hubert. Centre FrancoPaix

Sahel: Lutter contre les inégalités pour répondre aux défis du développement et de la sécurité. Oxfam  (7/2019)

Dialogue in Divergence. The Impact of EU Migration Policy on West African Integration. Rahmane Idrissa, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Speaking with the “Bad Guys”: Toward Dialogue with Central Mali’s Jihadists, Africa Report 276, International Crisis Group.

Livre Blanc de la société civile pour la paix et la sécurité au Mali, SIPRI

Facing the Challenge of the Islamic State in West Africa Province. Africa Report 273, International Crisis Group.

Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in Mali / MINUSMA. EPON (4/2019)

Mauritania’s Unfolding Landscape, Paul Melly, Chatham House Africa Programme.

Entre coopération et contestation. Les intérêts Maliens dans la gestion des fleuves transfrontaliers du Sahel, Alfonso Medinilla et Martin Ronceray, ECDPM/Groupe Odyssée.

Rapport de l’Observateur Indépendant, Observations sur la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord et la réconciliation au Mali, issu du processus d’Alger, Janvier-Avril 2019, The Carter Center.

Rapport de l’Observateur Indépendant sur la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord pour la paix et la réconciliation du Mali, issu du processus d’Alger, 2018, The Carter Center


State Services in an Insecure environment: Perceptions Among Civil Society in Mali, Tobie Aurélien and Chauzal Grégory, SIPRI

Drug Trafficking, Violence and Politics in Northern Mali. International Crisis Group. (version française)

De la « question touarègue » aux mémoires Du conflit : pour une réconciliation malienne. Adib Bencherif. Centre FrancoPaix   (English version here)

Relations de pouvoir locales, logiques de violence et participation politique en milieu peul (région de mopti). Marie Brossier, Cédric Jourde, Modibo Ghaly Cissé. Centre FrancoPaix

We Used to Be Brothers. Human Right Watch. (version française)

Narcotrafic, violence et politique au Nord du Mali. Rapport Afrique 267, International Crisis Group.

Chad: Defusing Tensions in the Sahel. Africa Report 266, International Crisis Group.

Dans le centre du Mali, les populations prises au piège du terrorisme et du contre-terrorisme. Link in English. FIDH

Challenges Facing MINUSMA Persist. Rida Lyammouri, OCP Policy Center.

Overview of Key Livelihood Activities in Northern Niger. Rida Lyammouri, OCP Policy Center.

An Emerging Post-Salafist Current in West Africa and Beyond, Alex Thurston, Maydan

Political settlements with jihadists in Algeria and the Sahel. Alex Thurston, OECD West African Papers.

Halting ambition: EU migration and security policy in the Sahel. Andrew Lebovich, European Council on Foreign Relations.

Multilateral Damage. The impact of EU migration policies on central Saharan routes. Jérôme Tubiana, Clotilde Warin, Gaffar Mohammud Saeneen.

Rapport d’analyse des résultats du 2ème tour de l’élection présidentielle, COCEM.

Final report of the Panel of Experts on Mali, UN, (version française).

Identifying the Factors Driving West African Migration. Jessica Anderson and Matthew Kirwin, OECD West African Papers.

Incentives and Constraints of Informal Trade Between Nigeria and its Neighbours. Leena Koni Hoffmann and Paul Melly, OECD West African Papers.

State Services in an Insecure Environment: Perceptions Among Civil Society in Mali. SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security

Le Sahel peut-il retrouver la paix? Nicolas Normand,

La Conférence d’Entente Nationale: Mise en oeuvre et leçons apprises pour le dialogue national au Mali. Sy, Ousmane, Dakouo, Ambroise et Traore, Kadari.Berlin: Berghof Foundation.

Campuses and Conflicts in the LAke Chad Basin: Violent extremism and the politics of religion in higher education. Alexander Thurston. Resolve Network.

Preventing Mass Atrocities in Mali. Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim, Mollie Zapata. Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide.

Crise sécuritaire et évolution de la situation des écoles au nord Mali. Banque Mondiale

Le combat des Maliens et des Maliennes pour la paix et contre l’impunité. Lawyers without borders.

Et les prisons dans tout ça? Plaidoyer pour une meilleure prise en compte du système pénitentiaire dans la réforme du secteur de la sécurité au Mali. Ornella Moderan. ARGA-Mali

Pour une justice transitionnelle efficace et inclusive. Lawyers without borders.

The Unstable Foundations of Political Stability in Chad. Dan Eizenga, OECD West African Papers.

Defying the Odds? Nigerien Responses to Foreign and Domestic Security Challenges. Sebastian Elischer, OECD West African Papers.

Rapport alternatif sur la mise en oeuvre de l’accord pour la paix et la réconciliation au Mali (1st edition) CCSC/PURN

Rapport alternatif sur la mise en oeuvre de l’accord pour la paix et la réconciliation au Mali (2nd edition) CCSC/PURN

Mali’s Tragic But Persistent Status Quo. Alex Thurston, Rosa Luxemburg Stifftung Research Papers.


Central Mali: Violence, Local Perspectives and Diverging Narratives. Tobi Aurélien, SIPRI

Genealogies of a Non-political Islam in the Sahel: the Burkina case. Abdourahmane Idrissa. DFG.

Borders and Territory in the Sahel: The case of the G7 Sahel. Abdelhak Bassou, OCP Policy Center

Faire la paix et construire l’état: Les relations entre pouvoir central et périphéries sahéliennes au Niger et au Mali. Yvan Guichaoua and Mathieu Pellerin. IRSEM.

Prospects and risks for 2018: Impact simulation in Mali. Valerio Giuffrida, World Food Programme

Accès à la justice au Mali: une réalité à bâtir. Lawyers without borders.

Empowering Women in West African Markets. Case Studies from Kano, Katsina (Nigeria) and Maradi (Niger). Leena Hoffmann, Paul Melly and Olivier Walther. World Food Programme.

Wars and Conflicts in the Sahara-Sahel. Olivier Walther, OECD West African Papers.

The Wave of Jihadist Insurgency in West Africa: Global Ideology, Local Context, Individual Motivations. Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim , OECD West African Papers.

Reconstructing Local Orders in Mali: Historical perspectives and future challenges, Andrew Lebovich, Brookings Local Orders Papers.

Cross-border Co-operation Networks in West Africa. Olivier Walther, OECD West African Papers.

Mali. Choosing Justice in the Face of Crisis. International Federation for Human Rights.

Mali. Terrorism and Impunity Jeopardize the Fragile Peace Agreement International Federation for Human Rights.

Déby’s Chad. Political Manipulation at Home, Military Intervention Abroad, Challenging Times Ahead. Jérôme Tubiana and Marielle Debos, United States Institute of Peace.

Finding the Right Role for the G5 Sahel Joint Force Crisis Group. International Crisis Group.

Insecurity, the Breakdown of Social Trust, and Armed Actor Governance in Central and Northern Mali. Adam Sandor, UQAM.

Sous le microscope: Les systèmes de justice coutumiers dans le Nord du Mali. Diana Goff, Madalina Diallo, Anca-Elena Ursu, Clingendael Institute.

Unmet Hopes to Govern Mali’s Persistent Crisis. Jonathan M. Sears, UQAM.

Cadre d’intervention Mali 2015-2019. Agence française de développement.

French-German Cooperation in the Sahel: Consequences of and Perspectives for Germany’s “turn to Africa”. Denis Tull, Institut de recherche stratégique de l’école militaire.

Bringing the Desert Together: How to Advance Sahel- Maghreb Integration. Andrew Lebovich, ECFR.

Les Chemins du Futur: Scenarii Mali 2030. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Mali.

Islam et politique au Mali : entre réalité et fiction. International Crisis Group.

Tubu Trouble: State and Statelessness in the Chad–Sudan–Libya Triangle. Jérôme Tubiana and Claudio Gramizzi. Small Arms Survey.

Gestion des ressources naturelles et configuration des pouvoirs dans le centre du Mali. Niagalé Bagayoko, Boubacar BaBoukary Sangaré, et Kalilou Sidibé. African Security Sector Network.

Rapport: Actes de la Conférence d’Entente Nationale. République du Mali.

Opération Barkhane : entre victoires tactiques et échec stratégique. Emmanuel R. Gof. Centre FrancoPaix.

Quel avenir pour les francs CFA? Sylviane Guillaumont Jeanneney et Patrick Guillaumont.  Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi).

Terrorisme et impunité font chanceler un accord de paix fragile. Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme (FIDH), Association malienne des droits de l’Homme (AMDH).

Boko Haram au Tchad : au-delà de la réponse sécuritaire. International Crisis Group.

Perilous terrain. Humanitarian action at risk in Mali. Alejandro Pozo Marín. Medecins Sans Frontieres.

GIS Hydropower Resource Mapping – Country Report for Mali. ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (ECREEE).

Centre du Mali: Enjeux et dangers d’une crise négligée. Adam Thiam. Centre pour le Dialogue humanitaire.

Report: Understanding trajectories of radicalisation in Agadez. Overseas Development Institute (ODI).

Watchmen of Lake Chad: Vigilante Groups Fighting Boko Haram. International Crisis Group.

Turning the tide – The politics of irregular migration in the Sahel and Libya. Fransje Molenaar and Floor El Kamouni-Janssen. Clingendael Netherlands Institute of International Relations.

L’Eldorado ouest-africain : Cartographier le commerce illicite de l’or en Côte d’Ivoire, au Mali et au Burkina Faso. Zuzia Danielski. Partinarait Afrique Canada.

Femmes prévention et lutte contre l’extrémisme violent au Mali. Bakary Sambe. Timbuktu Institute African Center for Peace Studies.

Aqmi et Al-Mourabitoun: Le djihad sahélien réunifié? Marc Mémier. Les Études de l’Ifri.

Mali : Recrudescence des abus commis par les groupes islamistes et du banditisme. Human Rights Watch.

Mali: Islamist Group Abuses, Banditry Surge. Human Rights Watch.


Cocaine Route Monitoring and Support. Mali and Niger Mission Report. European Commission

Allier sécurité et développement Plaidoyer pour le Sahel. Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international.

The Politics of Aid and Poverty Reduction in Africa: A Conceptual Proposal and the Case of Mali. Isaline Bergamaschi. Global Cooperation Research Papers.

Du conflit aux conflits, Kidal dans l’espoir d’une paix jamais retrouvée. Mohamed Ag Alhousseini. FES Mali Policy Paper.

Annual Report on the Sahel Regional Action Plan 2015/2016. European Commission, Brussels.

Mali-Mètre: Enquête dʼopinion « Que pensent les Maliens ? » Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Mali.

Investigating Libya Cross-border Weapon Transfers to the Sahel. Conflict Armament Research.

The Niger-Libya corridor: Smugglers’ perspectives. Institute of Security Studies (ISS).

Enquête sur les Transferts d’Armes Transfrontaliers dans le Sahel. Conflict Armament Research.

Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la situation au Mali. Security council, United Nations.

Burkina Faso: Preserving the Religious Balance.  International Crisis Group.

Jeunes « djihadistes » au Mali. Institut d’Études de Sécurité.

Dialogue national au Mali: Leçons de la Conférence Nationale de 1991 pour le processus de sortie de crise. Berghof Foundation.

Central Mali: An Uprising in the Making? International Crisis Group.

Rapport d’évaluation Bèèkunko 2016. Bɛɛkunko.

Armed Groups in Mali: Beyond the Labels. Institute for Security Studies.

Dépenses militaires et importations d’armes dans cinq États ouest-africains. Georges Berghezan. Groupe de Recherche et d’information sur la Paix et la Sécurité (GRIP).

Violent extremism in Africa: Public opinion from the Sahel, Lake, Chad, and the Horn. Afrobarometer.

Migration, Développement Humain et Lutte Contre la Pauvreté au Mali. Rapport National sur le Développement Humain.

Cadre Stratégique Pour La Relance Economique Et Le Développement Durable Du Mali. CREDD.

Chad: Between Ambition and Fragility. International Crisis Group.

Les dilemmes de la résolution des conflits face aux défis de la « guerre au terrorisme ». Centre FrancoPaix. Bruno Charbonneau et Cédric Jourde.

Mali: Les abus s’étendent dans le sud du pays. Human Rights Watch.

Mauritania’s Precarious Stability and Islamist Undercurrent. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Briefing: The new Jihadist strategy in the Sahel. IRIN Africa.

“Wanting Knowledge: Social Science Research and the Demand Factor in a Low-income Country- The Case of Niger” Global Development Network.

Mali: la paix à l’épreuve de l’insécurité, de l’impunité et de la lutte contre le terrorisme. Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme.

Elections communales et régionales: quelle importance pour la démocratie, la stabilité et la paix au Mali? Friedrich Ebert Stiftung- Mali.

Rapport sur l’Afrique de l’Ouest: Les enjeux des élections de 2016 au Niger. Institut d’études de sécurité (ISS Africa).

Une frontière très très longue, un peu difficile à vivre: le nord du Mali et ses frontières.Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique.

Burkina Faso: Transition, Act II. International Crisis Group.

‘The disease is unbelief’: Boko Haram’s religious and political worldview. U.S Relations with Islamic World, The Brookings Institution.


Plan Cadre: intégré des Nations Unies pour l’aide au développement au Mali. République du Mali.

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Mali. United Nations Security Council.

Rapport conjoint sur les événements de Tin Hama les 20 et 21 mai 2015. MINUSMA et Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme.

Rapport conjoint sur les violations des droits de l’homme et du droit international humanitaire commis lors des événements de Kidal, les 16, 17 et 21 mai 2014. MINUSMA et Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme.

Mali: la paix venue d’en bas? International Crisis Group.

Autorités traditionnelles et religieuses dans la gouvernance locale au Mali. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Political Economy of Fertility in Rural Niger: Exploring the Communes of Karma and Aguié. Abdourahmane Idrissa. Sahel Resilience Learning (SAREL) and USAID.

Laïcité in Southern Mali: Current public discussions on secularism and religious freedom FAFO Research Foundation.

Les regions maliennes de Gao, Kidal et Tombouctou OECD.

Mali: vers une stratégie nationale de développement multisectorielle, participative et territorialité. OECD.

Dynamique de la Gouvernance, la paix et la Sécurité au Mali entre 2014 et 2015. Institut National de la Statistique.

Security assistance, corruption and fragile environments. Exploring the case of Mali 2001-2012 Transparency International.

Monitoring de la Stabilité Régionale dans le Bassin Sahélien et en Afrique de l’Ouest. Groupe de Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité.

Le Centre du Mali: épicentre du djihadisme? Groupe de Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité.

Mali: Rapport d’Assistance Technique-Anti-Corruption et Lutte Contre Le Blanchiment de Capitaux International Monetary Fund.

Burkina Faso: cap sur octobre International Crisis Group.

Transit Niger: migrants, rebels and traffickers European Union for Security Studies.

Le processus de pourparlers inclusifs inter-maliens d’Alger: les acquis et les perspectives Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Mali-Mètre: enquête d’opinion “Que pensent les Maliens?” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Mali: la paix à marche forcée? International Crisis Group.

Petites et grandes controverses de la politique française et européenne au Tchad. CNRS/Sciences Po Paris.

The Case of Hissène Habré before the Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal.  Human Rights Watch.

Islamic State franchising: Tribes, transnational jihadi networks and generational shifts. Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations.

Mali: Lawlessness, Abuses Imperil Population. Human Rights Watch.

The roots of Mali’s conflict: Moving beyond the 2012 crisis. Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations.

Security in fragile states requires processes of reconciliation and reconstruction. Danish Institute for International Studies.

U.N. Peacekeeping in the Sahel: Overcoming New Challenges. United States Institute of Peace.

Autoportrait du Mali sur les Obstacles à la Paix. Institut Malien de Recherche Action pour la Paix.

The roots of Mali’s conflict. Clingendael, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations.

Les droits humains et les tensions sociales en République Islamique de Mauritanie. Mariella Villasante Cervello. Essais sur la Mauritanie.

The “Protests against Charlie Hebdo” in Niger: A Background Analysis GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of African Affair in co-operation with the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation Uppsala and Hamburg University Press.

Stratégie de Justice Transitionnelle au Mali  American Bar Association.

Burkina Faso : neuf mois pour achever la transition. International Crisis Group.

Comment le salafisme a pu prospérer au Niger. Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan. Mariane.

Nigeria 2015: analysis of election issues and future prospects. House of Commons Library.

Mali- World Report 2015. Human Rights Watch.

“Just what were they thinking when they shot at people?” Crackdown on anti-government protests in Burkina Faso. Amnesty International.

Building Peace in the Sahel: A Regional Perspective. Laurent Bossard. GREAT insights Magazine.

Achieving Peace in Northern Mali: Past Agreements, Local Conflicts, and the Prospects for a Durable Settlement RAND Corporation.


Mali : Eclairer le futur. Leçons tirées du passé pour penser « l’après-Alger ». Groupe Urgence, Réhabilitation, Développement (URD).

Mali –Mètre: Que pensent les Maliens? Enquête d’opinion. Fondation Friedrich Ebert, Bureau Bamako.

Water and security in Niger and the Sahel. Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law.

Nigeria’s Dangerous 2015 Elections: Limiting the Violence. International Crisis Group.

Mali: Last Chance in Algiers. International Crisis Group.

U.S. Policy to counter Nigeria’s Boko Haram. Center for Preventive Action of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Mali in the international setting. Andrew Lebovich. The Broker.

Building the capacity of the Malian police. Institute for Security Studies.

Mali: All parties to the conflict must put an end to ongoing human rights violations. Amnesty International.

Regional Security Role Shields Mauritania’s Aziz From Pressure to Reform. World Politics Review.

Les défis démographiques des pays sahéliens. Posted with the permission of the journal Etudes.

Resolution 2164 (2014) of the UN Security Council on Mali. United Nations Security Council.

Food Crisis, Gender, and Resilience in the Sahel- Lessons from the 2012 crisis in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. OXFAM.

Why Do Youth Join Boko Haram? United States Institute of Peace.

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Mali. United Nations Security Council.

Re-Mapping the Sahel: Transnational Security Challenges and Internal Responses. EU Institute for Security Studies.

Preventing Violent Extremism in Burkina Faso: Toward National Resilience Amid Regional Insecurity. Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation.

Risks ahead of the constitutional referendum in Burkina Faso. Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa).

Etude sur les zones à faible densité. Étude de cas « Mali ». Groupe Urgence, Réhabilitation, Développement (URD).

Curbing Violence in Nigeria (II): The Boko Haram Insurgency. International Crisis Group.

The Security Challenges of Pastoralism in Central Africa. International Crisis Group.

Points de vue de la population sur la criminalité organisée en Afrique de l’Ouest et au Sahel. Institut d’études de sécurité (ISS Africa).

Analyse des menaces et risques sécuritaires en accès humanitaires aux populations vulnerables de la région de Tombouctou en situation conflictuelle armée depuis 2012. Conseil Norvegien pour les Réfugies (NRC).

Transatlantic Security from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa. Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).

The UK’s Response to Extremism and Instability in North and West Africa. United Kingdom’s House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee.

Mali, la Justice en Marche: Analyse des procedures judicaires portant sur des graves violations des droits humains commises depuis 2012. Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme.

The Malian Government’s Challenge to Restore Order in the North. CTC Sentinel by Bruce Whitehouse along with other reports.

Security in the Sahel: Part 2 Militarisation of the Sahel. Richard Reeve, Oxford Research Group.

Security in the Sahel: Part 1 Stabilising Mali in 2013-2014. Richard Reeve, Oxford Research Group.

Séminaire AFD : Mali une contribution de la recherche française et européenne. Agence Française de Développement.

Synthèse du Rapport Général de l’Observation Préélectorale au Mali. Réseau ONG d’Appui au Processus Electoral au Mali.

Rapport Final de l’Observation Nationale des Elections Legislatives de 2013 au Mali. Réseau ONG d’Appui au Processus Electoral au Mali.

Mali: Reform or Relapse. International Crisis Group.


An Agenda for Human Rights in Mali. Kal Ben Khalid. Amnesty International.

The Mali Presidential Elections: Outcomes and Challenges. Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF).

Prospects for Improved Social Relations After the Armed Conflict in Northern Mali. Oxfam Research Reports.

Quelle Sécurité Régionale pour le Sahel ? Revue Défense Nationale.

Éditorial Sommaire et Résumés des Leçons Africaines, Revue Défense Nationale.

Niger: Another Weak Link in the Sahel? International Crisis Group.

A Handbook on Mali’s 2012-2013 Crisis. Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa (ISITA).

Under attack? Niger faced with religious extremism and terrorism.Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa).

Mitigating Radicalism in Northern Nigeria. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Burkina Faso : avec ou sans Compaoré, le temps des incertitudes. International Crisis Group.

A tenuous solution in Mali: Between internal constraints and external pressures. Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa).

Countering Violent Extremism and Promoting Community Engagement in West Africa and the Sahel: Action Agenda. Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation.

Le Sahel dans la crise malienne. CERI/Sciences Po.

Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the Sahel. Mireille Affa’a-Mindzie.

Understanding Conflict Drivers and Resilience Factors in the Sahel: Desk Study. Navanti Group.

Towards an ‘Islamic Republic of Mali’? Fletcher Forum of World Affairs.

Overview of religious radicalism and the terrorist threat in Senegal. Bakary Sambe. Institute for Security Studies (ISS).

Grand angle sur le radicalisme religieux et la menace terroriste au Sénégal. Institute for Security Studies.

ECOWAS Peace and Security Report: Overview of religious radicalism and the terrorist threat in Senegal. Institute for Security Studies.

The political economy of conflicts in northern Mali. Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa).

Mali: Security, Dialogue, and Meaningful Reform. International Crisis Group.

Crisis in the Sahel: Possible Solutions and the Consequences of Inaction. UC Berkeley and Africa Institute for Development Policy in Berkeley.

Women’s political participation in the Sahel Region. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue.

Confronting criminal spoilers in the Sahel. Institute for Security Studies.

In a Time of Crisis, Why Are Academics So Quiet? Isaie Dougnon. University World News.

Mali: Beyond Counterterrorism. German Institute for International and Security Affairs.


Ambiguous Secularism. Abdoulaye Sounaye. Civilisations.

Islamic Militancy in Africa.  Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Mali: Making peace while preparing for war. Institute for Security Studies (ISS Africa).

The Paranoid Neighbor: Algeria and the Conflict in Mali. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Spiraling Violence: Boko Haram Attacks and Security Force Abuses in Nigeria. Human Rights Watch.

Organized Crime and Conflict in the Sahel-Sahara Region. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

What Went Wrong in Mali? London Review of Books.

Mali: Avoiding Escalation. International Crisis Group.

Boko Haram’s Evolving Threat. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict in Northwest Africa. Center for American Progress.

Mauritania’s Islamists. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Regional Security Cooperation in the Maghreb and Sahel: Algeria’s Pivotal Ambivalence. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Africa’s Militaries: A Missing Link in Democratic Transitions. Mathurin C. Houngnikpo. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.


Africa Without Qadaffi: The Case of Chad. International Crisis Group.

Sifting Through the Layers of Insecurity in the Sahel: The Case of Mauritania. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

L’Islam au Niger : éviter l’amalgame. Abdoulaye Sounaye. Humanitaire (28).

Mali and Its Sahelian Neighbors. The World Bank.

Aux Frontières du Printemps Arabe: Crises Sociales et Contestations Populaires en Mauritanie. CERI, Sciences Po.

La « discothèque » islamique : CD et DVD au cœur de la réislamisation nigérienne. Abdoulaye Sounaye. Ethnographiques.

West Africa’s Growing Terrorist Threat: Confronting AQIM’s Sahelian Strategy. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.


Sahelian Climate: Past, Current, Projections. OECD.

Islam au Niger : de la contestation à la normalisation (1/2) (2/2). Abdoulaye Sounaye. Alternatives Internationales.

Africa’s Fragile States: Empowering Extremists, Exporting Terrorism. Africa Center for Strategic Studies.

Could Al-Qaeda Turn African in the Sahel? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.


Assurer l’éducation pour tous au Mali. Oxfam International. Caroline Pearce, Sébastien Fourmy et Hetty Kovach.


Pour la consolidation de la démocratie au Mali. Comité d’experts de la Mission de Réflexion sur la Consolidation de la Démocratie au Mali.